Get to Know Alex Yurt '22

High School Graduation Year



What did you do right after graduation? College/career/travel/military?

I currently attend Indiana University Southeast for Safety and I play baseball there.


Please describe DeSales in three words.

No better place


Where are you and what are you doing now?

I just completed my sophomore year of college where I am working towards getting my degree in safety. Currently I am nearing the end of the baseball season where we are at the NAIA World Series.


What do you like most about what you are doing?

I love being able to play a sport at the collegiate level and love that I am able to get a degree in something I will use everyday.


What is your favorite memory about DeSales?

Winning back to back region championships in baseball


Who influenced you most during your time at DeSales?

Paul Houpt and Tim Sievert


What classes and learning experiences did you have at DeSales that are beneficial to the work you do?

All of Mr. P’s classes taught me life lessons that I use in my own life.


What is the most important thing you learned while you were at DeSales?

Never forget where you came from.


What advice do you have for current (or potential) students at DeSales?

Be involved as much as possible. The school day does not end when school is over - get involved. Go to as many sporting event and participate in clubs and sports.


What is your favorite DeSales Event? Why?

The golf scrambles and baseball alumni game. They are a great opportunity to hang out with all of the alumni.


What do you like to do in your free time?

Attend Kentucky sporting events, watch sports, spend time with the family


What is something people may not know about you?

I’m quite the performer when singing karaoke.


Do you still stay in touch with any of your DeSales friends?

I talk to my DeSales friends everyday. There isn’t a day that goes by where I do not talk to a couple.


What’s next for you/where do you see yourself in five years?

Work at an industrial safety training company once I graduate from school and hopefully get into coaching baseball in the near future.