Get to know Matt Sohl '11

High School Graduation Year
What did you do right after graduation? College/career/travel/military?
After graduation, I attended Western Kentucky University, where I studied Interactive Advertising & Web Design. While there, I became very involved at the Catholic Campus Center. I also was the Big Red Mascot during my senior year of college.
Where are you and what are you doing now?
I still live in Louisville. I am married with 3 children and one on the way, due at the end of August. I work for a company called WireCrafters in their marketing department, doing all their social media and video work. I just published my first children's book with the encouragement of my wife Alyssa. It's about a boy who is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and follows his journey as he learns how to deal with the diagnosis emotionally. I was diagnosed myself at 23.
What do you like most about what you are doing?
I like being able to work from home in my position. It allows me to get my work done while also staying mentally healthy. So in the evenings, I can do things like be present with my family and focus on hobbies.
What is your favorite memory about DeSales?
My favorite memory from DeSales is going to Ireland during my Immersion Trip senior year. I was able to go back to Ireland for my honeymoon and visit some new locations! I also enjoyed my time playing baseball there.
Who influenced you most during your time at DeSales?
The teacher that made me enjoy learning the most was Aaron Wisman. He is one of the most passionate teachers I've had in all my years of schooling.
What classes and learning experiences did you have at DeSales that are beneficial to the work you do?
I was on the yearbook committee my senior year which is the most similar to my current work. DeSales didn't have much video or content creation opportunity while I was there.
What is the most important thing you learned while you were at DeSales?
I learned that I needed to be confident to make my way in the world. People aren't going to hand you things and you need to put in the work to get it done.
What advice do you have for current (or potential) students at DeSales?
Enjoy your time in high school and treat all your peers with respect. Make sure you'll be able to look back in 10 years and have good memories from your time there.
What is your favorite DeSales Event? Why?
The Alumni Baseball game. I've had a great time reconnecting with old friends every year they've had it!
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time, I'm an amateur magician and am the current Vice President of the Louisville Magic Club.
What is something people may not know about you?
That I was the mascot at WKU.
Do you still stay in touch with any of your DeSales friends?
I've lost contact with a lot of people from DeSales but still talk to a few on social media from time to time.
What’s next for you/where do you see yourself in five years?
In 5 years, I hope to see myself being able to spend as much time with my wife and kids as possible. Maybe with a few more books published as well!