Get to Know Adonis Gentry '10

High School Graduation Year


What did you do right after graduation? College/career/travel/military?


Please describe DeSales in three words.

Solid, Unique, Small

Where are you and what are you doing now?

Still in Louisville. Playing guitar professionally, teaching guitar at AMPED music academy, employed with Louisville Metro Government.

What do you like most about what you are doing?

I get to be a lot of everything in a weird way lol. Like playing shows I get to be super social and energetic…. But practicing and studying music I can kinda lock in by myself and be a geek about stuff.

What is your favorite memory about DeSales?

After my first day Coach Reed, the English teacher, pronounced my name wrong… and everyone just kinda rolled with it… like never told him and we let him call me Adnis for 3 years straight. Also looking back it was kinda cringy, but the Nazareth farm trip was kinda lit.

Who influenced you most during your time at DeSales?

Srta. Trigg. I was one of 6 minorities in my class and a transfer student. She was kinda like this Spanish speaking auntie I never had. And kept us in check!

What classes and learning experiences did you have at DeSales that are beneficial to the work you do?

Mrs. Mac’s art class. We were all dudes painting, so of course it gets a little competitive. She would always kinda funnel that into seeing everyone’s vision and not just how well we made straight lines and stuff. Doing music is very similar…. It’s super competitive but technique and talent alone isn’t the only factor at play.

What is the most important thing you learned while you were at DeSales?

Just be cool with everyone… if you’re cool to be around an easy to work with. Doors just stay open.

What advice do you have for current (or potential) students at DeSales?

Just be you man! And enjoy being the underdog whenever you can! DeSales is a small school that kinda competes above its weight. And winning as the “small guy” after you’ve been underestimated is wayyyy more fun!

What is your favorite DeSales Event? Why?

Idk…but for future events I’ve got some ideas. 😂

What do you like to do in your free time?

I don’t get much these days. But honestly when I do get a moment I love to just do absolutely Nothing! If I could find a way to not have to sit down or stand up while doing nothing I would!

What is something people may not know about you?

I watch a lot of Formula 1… and I still can’t read music.

Do you still stay in touch with any of your DeSales friends?

Yes. Really all of them but Brandon Cobb is my dawg… Erik Hall got me into NASCAR. And Andrew Beckmann just sold me a house.

What’s next for you/where do you see yourself in five years?

Just doing more of the same but better. The Jesse Lees is the band I spend the most time with. So going more places with them maybe start a family or something before I get too old.