Service Program
Based on the Carmelite philosophy to “Live Jesus,” the Service Learning Program of St. Francis DeSales High School encourages each student to live out what they are learning in their classes. The program focus for each grade level is geared towards where students are in their development and theology curriculum. A student’s yearly participation in the Service Learning Program is a graduation requirement.
The DeSales House Service Competition is designed to reward students who go above and beyond their yearly Service Learning Program required hours. Students who complete service outside of their Theology Service Learning Program hours can earn house points.
The Service Learning Program and DeSales House Service Competition are designed to allow each student the opportunity to understand that each person is made in God’s image and is deserving of their God-given dignity, utilize their talents and gifts to work for the common good in our world, and continue the compassionate mission of Jesus Christ to serve others.
Grade Level Requirements and Links for Students and Parents
Freshman theology service hours may be completed at a church, parish or DeSales. Freshman will be entered into the MobileServe system and taught how to log hours in August. Students may begin their hours after their 8th-grade graduation. Hours completed prior to a student having access to Mobile Serve may be logged and verified in August with an agency supervisor’s email address. Learn about specifics on the freshmen theology service learning requirements and due dates.
Sophomore theology service hours may be completed at an agency doing the Church’s work in the world. This can be with a wide range of outreach non-profit agencies. Review this suggested list of agencies and details for the sophomore learning requirements and due dates.
In conjunction with Junior Theology’s Catholic Social Teaching course Juniors will be required to complete 8 hours first semester with Social Justice Agencies. Second semester Juniors will use their experiences working with local agencies as inspiration for their CST action project. Students may find more information about service requirements at these links for junior service learning requirements and a list of suggested agencies. Information
As Seniors prepare to leave DeSales they are encouraged to spend the year living their faith and writing their own history. Seniors are required to complete their 16 hours of service at non-profit agencies, their church or DeSales. Students will take these service experiences into their Sacraments and Church History theology courses for reflection and processing. Students may find more information about requirements at these links for senior service learning requirements and a list of suggested agencies.
Have questions about performing service hours? Check out these Frequently Asked Questions. Still have questions? Contact Andrew Kuchenbrod '11, Director of Campus Ministry, Inclusion & Diversity.